Employment Plus counselling services
We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to lead a happy, purposeful life, and that employment is an important part of that. Not only is a job necessary for balance, there are also strong links between mental health and ongoing employment.
Our team of dedicated Allied Health Professionals draw on countless years of collective experience, to help employers and employees across a wide range of industries, to achieve a better quality of life through targeted mental health support.

About Allied Health Telehealth
Most people find unemployment to be a really difficult time. Your mental health is important, particularly coping with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. If you would like support with your mental health, or just need someone to talk to, you can speak with our Allied Health team.

About the different programs we offer

PLEASE NOTE: Employment Plus Allied Health Services is not a crisis service and you will not be able to contact your health professional outside of normal business hours. Your health professional will help you develop a plan of what supports you have in place for between sessions, and if you do find yourself in crisis you should call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or consult our Crisis Support Page.
Need counselling assistance?
If you're a job seeker with Employment Plus and need to access counselling services, our Allied Health team is here to support you on 136 123.