At The Salvation Army Employment Plus we understand that it’s never just a job. We believe that one of the greatest assets of any business, are its people. Having engaged, focused, passionate and enthusiastic staff can create an environment where growth and opportunity thrive.
At our Connecting Futures events we focus on growth and opportunity to ensure you are matched with somebody that can add real value to your business, or a business that can bring out the best in you.
Additional Information for Employers
The ideal event for employers who need 5+ staff and looking to fast track their staffing.and could use this to meet lots of job seekers. If you're interested please email us on CFQLD@salvationarmy.org.au
Additional Information for Job seekers
Registration is required beforehand to attend.
Unfortunately only registered job seekers can attend this event. If you would like to attend and are unsure of your eligibility please contact Centrelink or call 136 123 to enquire about your eligibility and details of the event.