Booking and changing appointments

Your Employment Plus Consultant will need to book any appointments for you, and you are only able to book personal events.

A personal event is not the same as an appointment, but can be used to help you and your consultant keep track of your personal commitments and responsibilities.

How to create a personal event in myGov

To create a personal event, you will need to first access your myGov account from the Workforce Australia website.

Then, once you’re logged in:

  1. Click on Calendar from the top bar of your dashboard.
  2. Click ‘Add a personal appointment’ and select the type of event from the options available.
  3. Enter the details of the event and click ‘Save’.
  4. Your Employment Plus Consultant will confirm your appointment.

Having trouble booking or changing your appointment?

Call 136 123 if you need any further help with creating personal events, or booking and changing appointments with Employment Plus.