The importance of creating a professional resume

A resume (sometimes also known as a Curriculum Vitae or CV) is like a sales representative going forth into the job market and pitching you to potential employers. As such, it needs to make a great impression from the get-go. You wouldn’t wear shoddy clothes or act sloppy if you were knocking on employers’ doors, so your resume needs to be as smartly presented and professional as you would be in person. Here are our top tips for writing a resume that opens doors for you.

Why should you write a cover letter?

Nowadays, cover letters are a standard requirement of most job applications, however even if you do not strictly need to write one, you probably still should.

Writing a positive cover letter, that demonstrates your interest in the role, and highlights the ways your skills, experience and characteristics make you the ‘best fit’, will set you apart from the crowd.

Final pointers - don't forget!

  • Remember to proofread your CV and cover letter to check there are no spelling or grammar mistakes and, if possible, ask a friend or family member to check it as well.
  • Always check that you haven’t left the name of the last employer you contacted in the cover letter, or in the email if you have copied and pasted. It’s a more common mistake than you might think.
  • Keep a copy of both the cover letter and resume so you can review what you wrote before an interview.

Looking for more help with your resume and cover letter?

Head into your local Employment Plus office today for more information.