Important changes to the ParentsNext program were announced by the Australian Government on 5 May. These changes will see the ParentsNext program end from 1 July 2024, with all compulsory requirements for participants removed as of today. The program will still continue until July 2024, however participants will no longer face payment suspensions or financial penalties for not meeting your requirements.

Our capacity to support you has not changed. We are still here for you, to help you plan and prepare so that you are ready to join the workforce in a role that suits you and your family, when the time is right. We will continue to provide career planning advice, help you to achieve your education goals, connect you with services and activities in your local community, and help you balance all of this with your family and parenting responsibilities. These changes mean you can continue to access all of this support, without the pressure of facing financial penalties if you are not able to complete any activities. If you want to discuss these changes, and what they mean for you, please email us at any time on,au, or contact Employment Plus on 136 123.