woman standing up in meeting and presenting confidently

Last updated: October 31, 2019

Bounding self-confidence doesn’t just happen overnight. To think positively can often take repetition, especially in a world where we are quick to talk and think in a negative way. When bombarded by so many elements that threaten our self-confidence, we need to take charge of building it up for ourselves. After all, it’s this outer confidence that can show an employer that you have the ability to work hard, back your decisions and meet new people and work in challenging environments. Below are some tips to practice daily that will help you boost your confidence and help you get that next job and feel comfortable in your new job.

1. Focus on what you want to appear as

Imagine yourself as you want to be, an image of yourself that you are proud of, in your own mind. When we struggle with low self-confidence, we have a poor perception of ourselves that is often inaccurate. Practice visualizing a fantastic version of yourself, achieving your goals, repeatedly.

2. Encourage yourself constantly with positive self-talk

What we think of ourselves, derives from that ‘inner-voice’ that will lift us up, judge us and act as a receptor to how we feel we appear and act. A way to improve your self-image, if you find that inner voice is always positioning you in a negative light, is through positive affirmations. These are statements that inspire and uplift you. Whether you have these written up near a mirror, or you can practice saying them aloud every day before you leave your house or as you go to bed, the inner voice will likely change what it “sees” to be true. For example, if you don’t like your own physical appearance, practice saying something that you appreciate or like about yourself when you next look in the mirror.

3. Challenge yourself every day

Putting yourself into a situation that is out of your comfort zone, or facing your fear head-on is a great way to build confidence and trust in yourself. If you overcome these challenges, or even get further than you did previously, consider that a win and trust that you are capable of overcoming such fears or challenges.

4. Question your inner critic

Our internal voice is often our harshest critic. Often our inner self will jump to the negative, when we are already feeling low in confidence. The chances are, this voice has been overactive and inaccurate especially if you haven’t questioned the validity of what it’s saying. There are some strategies you can practice to help you to question your inner critic, and look for evidence to support or deny the things that your inner critic is saying to you. For example, if you think that you are a failure, ask yourself, “What evidence is there to support the thought that I am a failure?” and “What evidence is there that doesn’t support the thought that I am a failure?” Find opportunities to congratulate, compliment and reward yourself, even for the smallest successes.

5. Stop and take time to notice what you’ve already achieved

It’s easy to lose confidence if you believe you haven’t achieved anything. Make a list of all the things you’re proud of in your life, whether it’s accomplishing something you set your mind to, or even just being consistent with daily tasks like going for a walk or practicing your affirmations. Keep the list close by and add to it whenever you do something you’re proud of. When you’re low in confidence, pull out the list and use it to remind yourself of all the awesome stuff you've done.

6. Set achievable goals and note your success

It’s often easy to set large goals, that can be seen as unattainable or too far away to fathom achieving. By setting goals that are too challenging, it can be more discouraging than encouraging to accomplish. Start by setting yourself small goals that you can win easily. Once you reach these small goals, ensure you note the success. Push yourself to keep going to get another small win. Make sure that you also keep a list of all your achievements, both large and small, to remind yourself of the times that you have done well.

7. Help someone else

Offering help to someone else allows us to forget about ourselves and perhaps drown out the negative thoughts in our mind. By helping someone else, in any way, you are also making yourself feel better. Instead of focusing on your own weaknesses, volunteer to mentor, assist or teach another, and you'll see your self-confidence grow automatically in the process.

8. Take time to care for yourself

Self-confidence depends on a combination of good physical health, emotional health and social health. It is hard to feel good about yourself if you hate your physique or constantly have low energy. Make time to get active, eat well as much as possible and get some rest. In addition, dress the way you want to feel. Build your self-confidence by making the effort to look after your own needs.

9. Create personal boundaries

Learn to say no. Teach others to respect your personal boundaries. If necessary, take classes on how to be more assertive and learn to ask for what you want. The more control and say that you have over your own life, the greater will be your self-confidence.

10. Change your way of thinking about others

People with low self-confidence see others as better or more deserving than themselves. Instead of carrying this perception, see yourself as being equal to everyone. They are no better or more deserving than you. Make a mental shift to an equality mentality and you will automatically see an improvement in your self-confidence. It’s not an easy task, you will have to continue to challenge the thoughts that tell you otherwise, however, remind yourself of this, follow the other steps above and don’t give up.

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