A promising outcome from Access Ability Week

Last updated: August 13, 2019

Employment Plus participant, Caitlyn Bryant, has found new confidence thanks to a disability employment initiative.

As a part of Access Ability Week, Caitlyn spent the day at a local IGA supermarket talking to customers, assisting with stock and learning about the day-to-day operations of the business with Store Manager, Sam.

Sam was thrilled with Caitlyn’s work ethic and her ability to learn quickly.

Access Ability Day is about the long lasting connections employers can make with job seekers with disability. This day allows someone to experience a workplace or role that aligns with their career interests, while employers get the opportunity to see their potential in the workplace.

As for Caitlyn, this motivated job seeker really enjoyed the experience at IGA, and expressed her gratitude for the opportunity.

“I have a new sense of confidence in my ability and am looking forward to applying the skills I learnt today,” she said.

Junior, DES Job Coach at Employment Plus Beenleigh noted that Caitlyn has gone on to secure paid employment starting in December in a local café.

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