Financial benefits for your business

Last updated: August 30, 2021

As part of our commitment to help your business, Employment Plus can help you tap into an array of payments from the government.

These wage subsidies of $10,000 help you meet the costs associated with training eligible jobseekers for ongoing work.

Not only will you be provided with financial support, you will also benefit from a new employee ready to hit the ground running and give your business an edge. This is truly a win/win situation for your business and an opportunity not to be missed.

How is the wage subsidy paid?

Payments are available over a six-month period and you can negotiate how often you receive them.

How much is the subsidy?

The subsidy paid to your business can differ.

Restart wage subsidy

Up to $10,000 (GST inclusive) when you hire eligible mature age job seekers who are 50 years of age and over.

Long term unemployed subsidy

$10,000 (GST inclusive) when you hire someone who has been receiving employment services for the last 12 months.

Youth Bonus wage subsidy

$10,000 (GST inclusive) when you hire eligible job seekers who are 15 to 24 years of age.

Youth wage subsidy

$10,000 (GST inclusive) when you hire eligible job seekers who are 25 to 29 years of age.

Indigenous Wage Subsidy

$10,000 when you hire an Indigenous Australian who has been receiving employment benefits for the last six months.

Parents wage subsidy

$10,000 (GST inclusive) when you hire an eligible job seeker who is a principal carer parent.

An Employment Plus consultant can help explain the range of subsidies available to you. Conditions apply.

How do I find a new employee who also gives my business access to a wage subsidy?

With the help of an Employment Plus consultant, it’s easy for your business to gain access to this financial support.

To ensure you do not miss out on an available wage subsidy, you should contact Employment Plus within 84 days of employing an eligible job seeker. Call us on 136 123 to find out more. Conditions apply.

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