Helping youth find their way

Last updated: August 13, 2019

Six young job seekers have started promising careers at the world’s largest restaurant chain, SUBWAY, thanks to support from Employment Plus and training provider Five Star College.

When SUBWAY advertised two initial vacancies, Employment Plus’ Gosford Youth Team Leader, Lisa Davis, seized the opportunity and got to work helping the two young candidates with the process of starting their traineeships with SUBWAY.

Lisa worked with Brandon and Tiana, setting them up with a bank account, tax file number, suitable interview clothes and coaching them for their first day of employment.

“Both Brandon and Tiana were very nervous about the thought of starting with SUBWAY, so we spent time looking at the requirements of the roles and highlighting the skills required,” explained Lisa.

“After they commenced their traineeships, I continued to provide Brandon and Tiana with weekly support to ensure they experienced a smooth transition into their new employment”

Word quickly spread about the quality of the trainees and the dedicated service provided by the Gosford Employment Plus team. As a result, Lisa has now placed a further four Transition to Work participants in roles at three local Subway franchises – giving the job seekers career direction, independence and confidence.

“The support my new trainees and I have received from the team at Employment Plus has been fantastic,” said Tara Tanti, Franchisee of the two SUBWAY Gosford stores.

“Not only did they help me find great candidates but they have helped and supported them both through their traineeships and through any personal issues they were experiencing.

“Without the support they received, these individuals may have given up far earlier and not given themselves time to thrive.

“I am truly thankful for the support and look forward to a continuing relationship with Employment Plus.”

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More information

For information on how Employment Plus can help your business meet staffing needs, call 136 123, or register your vacancy online