Mature workers: experience pays

Last updated: August 13, 2019

Employing a worker over the age of 50 can bring experience, responsibility and reliability to your organisation.

Why hire a mature age worker?

  • Your business will get a better return on investment in terms of human capital – you’ll be recruiting years of experience, in terms of workplace and interpersonal skills, such as patience, respect and communication.
  • Mature age workers have a strong commitment to work and take pride in their work. Workers aged over 55 are five times* less likely to change jobs compared with workers aged 20-24, reducing the time and labour involved with recruitment.
  • Mature age workers have more experience – this may mean less time needed training them in a role, saving time.
  • Improve your standing in the community. When you hire a mature age worker, your clients will take note. Your business will be granted the opportunity to market itself as a good employer by promoting diversity in the workplace.
  • Hiring a mature age worker allows you to capitalise on customer bases who are ageing. Australians aged between 45 and 64 own half of Australia’s household wealth*. When you employ a mature aged worker, you gain access to an older person’s perspective in terms of strategy and marketing, in this valuable demographic.
  • When you employ a mature age worker with Employment Plus, you may be able to gain access to wage subsidies of up to $10,000 (inc GST).

Employment Plus has access to mature age candidates, aged 50 and over, who are flexible and ready to contribute from day one. Hiring one of these candidates may give your business access to a subsidy of up to $10,000 (inc. GST).

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Find out more

Tap into this valuable resource today and grow your business with a mature age employee. Call your Employment Plus consultant on 136 123.