Access Ability – An opportunity that extends beyond just one day

Last updated: August 13, 2019

Employment Plus utilises employer connections to provide memorable experiences for DES participants during Access Ability Week 2018.

Maddison Williams and Barclay Hall from Tasmania spent the day at EACH as part of Access Ability Week. EACH provides an integrated range of health, disability, counselling and community mental health services across Australia. Maddison and Barclay discovered that it was not only the residents who were gratified by their time but that the experience was extremely rewarding for themselves also.

Both Maddison and Barclay spent the day with EACH residents during their craft and lifestyle activities, assisting in any way they could while engaging in conversation with the residents.

Maddison was extremely grateful for the experience which she said, helped “make a real difference in the lives of older people in the community.”

She made genuine connections with residents Dorothy and Harry who helped her to realise spending quality time with someone was “the best gift you can give anyone.”

Barclay said he has gained a sense of momentum and feels “excited and motivated” about the industry. “This day gave me enthusiasm about my skills and how can use them in my job search,” he said.

Are you interested in working with one of our employers – or are an employer willing to provide shadowing experiences at your business? Contact us.

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