Last updated: March 19, 2020

With just about every news article and social media post being dominated by stories, Doomsday memes or sensationalist predictions, it’s hard not to feel overwhelmed.

But where is the best place to stay informed about what you need to know about Covid-19 and how Australia is responding to this unprecedented event?

Below are the sources we think your business should stay abreast of, to have the most accurate, real time policy and response advice.

This site covers the virus from a health-led POV, including:

  • The current status of Covid-19 in Australia
  • The best advice on how to protect yourself and others
  • Symptoms checklist and when to get tested (thresholds for testing)
  • What to do if you’re concerned
  • Additional advice

There are also state health department sites that have specific advice that is pertinent to each state’s specific situation and management of the crisis.

When it comes to travel advice, the best advice can be found at the Governments Smart Traveller website.

For details on the Federal government’s response on providing support to business in this tricky time, visit the Treasury website:

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