Pre-employment training explained

Last updated: August 13, 2019

Training Plus can work with you to design a flexible pre-employment training program that reflects both the needs of your business and potential employees.

The primary objective of our pre-employment training is to provide you with a thoroughly prepared pool of reliable candidates, each with the skills to quickly adapt to your workplace. Course design can include non-accredited training, tailored to the particular methods and values of your business, as well as accredited training.

We listen to you to understand what skills your potential employees need, what is important to your organisation and what expectations you have of employees.

We then take this knowledge to build a training program specifically designed for your business.

All modules are delivered by relevantly qualified trainers. Training programs typically begin with an invitation for our job seekers to attend an information session at our office, about your business and the given role.

This is an important first opportunity for prospective candidates to appreciate key requirements and expectations. Those wishing to participate in your pre-employment training are then screened for suitability by us, where we look at motivation, existing skills and experience.

The result? A group of potential employees with the skills and mind-set needed to do the job that you can then select your next star, or stars, from.

As well as training, we can also offer candidate testing (e.g. psychometric) through our assessment centre.

It’s also worth knowing that rather than paying recruitment fees, employers who employ a new worker under the traineeship scheme may be entitled to receive a government incentive of up to $4,000.

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Find out more

To find out how Training Plus can help you find, retain and train the right employees, call us on 136 123.