Secure employees with the training and support that your business needs

Last updated: August 13, 2019

What if you find someone who is almost the right fit for your business – but who needs an extra boost to do the job? Employment Plus has the ability to help.

Do you need to find employees who hold certain licences? Do your new starters need certain work-related tools to get the job done?Employment Plus can help.

If your business needs access to goods and services that genuinely support and assist job seekers to gain the tools, skills and experience they need to get and keep a job, we may be able to help. It is our goal to help you support your employees – and in turn, improve your business.

Employment Plus has been able to help eligible job seekers with many items, including, but not limited to:

  • Transport needs – including bicycles, driver’s licences, driving lessons, bus or train tickets, petrol vouchers or taxi vouchers
  • Items relating to clothing and presentation – such as safety boots, glasses and hard hats.
  • Professional services – relating to employee wellbeing

Employment Plus may help arrange these items for your potential employee and may organise funds to cover their cost. We recommend you contact Employment Plus to discuss whether we can help provide you and your job seeker with what you need.

As well as helping provide your new employee with what they need to help grow your business, Employment Plus takes the next step and offers post placement support and on the job mentoring to new starters with additional support needs.

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Find out more about how Employment Plus can support your new employees and make your business thrive

Call 136 123 or click here to learn more.