We want to say thank you

Last updated: August 13, 2019

Giving and getting back

Giving back comes in many forms. As a corporate or business supporter of The Salvation Army, you know that. Maybe you hired an employee through Employment Plus? Perhaps you signed your team up for corporate volunteering?

Whatever your contribution to the work of the Salvos, we want to say thank you.

With you – and the many ways in which you support us – we can continue to give hope where it’s needed most. Your partnership means we can meet people in their time of need and walk with them towards a better tomorrow.

A good return on investment

The impact of unemployment goes far beyond the financial. It can cause people to lose self-worth. It impacts families and can lead to homelessness.

For those impacted by discrimination, disadvantage or disaster, your support means the difference between opportunity and hopelessness.

In giving someone a job, you are offering more than a pay check. You are giving them the confidence and ability to rebuild their life. As corporate volunteers, you are sharing in the journey of those striving to build a brighter future.

Standing behind the Red Shield

As supporters of The Salvation Army, you are familiar with our red shield. But did you know the shield is also the symbol of our signature fundraising event – the Red Shield Appeal?

Running from May to June every year, the Red Shield Appeal launches with a series of events around the country and peaks on the Red Shield Appeal Doorknock weekend (the last weekend in May).

During this time, thousands of volunteers, businesses and communities work together to raise vital funds to support our vast network of social welfare and community services.

Why is the Red Shield Appeal important?

The Salvation Army serves over 20,000 meals to the hungry every week. Each year, we support more than 2000 women affected by domestic violence and assist over 4000 families in disaster-affected areas. But this is only made possible with your support.

By working together, we offer care and compassion when people need us most. We can build healthy communities and tackle social injustices.

Every minute you volunteer and every dollar you donate to the Red Shield Appeal, you are helping The Salvation Army achieve its mission.

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How can you get involved?

We encourage our business community to stand alongside us during the Red Shield Appeal.

There are many ways you can participate in the Red Shield Appeal, from corporate volunteering and doorknocking to attending an event or making a donation.