What we can gain from Covid

Last updated: April 28, 2020

It’s hard not to feel overwhelmed and stressed out by the frustrating and sometimes downright frightening event that is the Covid-19 pandemic.

Most of us are currently working from home, trying to maintain business amidst the restrictions of Covid-19, and sustain good staff to help fulfil our visions and goals.

Hopefully, sometime in the near future, we’ll achieve a semblance of normality; we’ll get back to doing what we do best and have even taken some positive learnings from the experience. Many people have observed this event will change the way we work, to some degree, permanently.

Here are 5 ways your business may change for the better.


Many businesses will reconsider working from home models – even part time – recognising the time and resources this model saves in commute, the balance between socialising and the distraction of open-plan offices


When we are together, we’ll have a renewed sense of value for staff socialising and gathering. Footy Tips will bring more banter than ever and dress up parties are going to be next level in creativity


Speaking of individuals, we’ll bring more creativity and ideas we picked up during isolation to our way of working. We’ll have consumed different media, perhaps re-engaged with more creative pursuits and used a wider range of problem-solving skills, which will positively impact our approaches to solving work issues


From a functionality perspective, we’ll all have upped our game when it comes to using remote connection technologies – such as Zoom or Google Hangouts – and this is an area that we’ll see grow as more people continue to work from home for some of the working week


We’ll also be better equipped to manage unexpected disruptions to our work flow. Issues on a contract delivery or unexpected disappointments will seem trivial in the wake of Covid-19 that brought some of us to a near stand-still and worked others to the point of exhaustion

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