Join DES with Employment Plus!

We will provide for you

  • One-on-one support to get the most out of your employment search

  • Assistance tailored to your abilities, capacity and circumstances

  • We will work with you at your own pace towards employment

  • Help to address any personal barriers and even facilitate retraining if you need to change work fields from previous careers

  • Access to education and training opportunities. If you are on an activity tested payment we will help you to meet your activity requirements

  • Help with your move from DES to employment, providing you with all the ongoing support you need

How to check your eligibility:

Call 136 123, or fill out the form below and one of our DES Program coordinators will get in touch to discuss your eligibility and complete your registration if applicable.

NOTE: We are Relay Service Friendly. If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, contact us through the National Relay Service and provide the Employment Plus phone number 136 123.


We have jobs that could be right for you!

Our Employment Consultants already have a whole range of job openings and you never know, one of them could be your dream role!

Check out how many jobs we have available in the following categories:

Occupation Number of Jobs
Aged and Disabled Carers 13
Builder's Labourer 37
Cafe Workers 15
Commercial Cleaners 14
Delivery Drivers 8
Housekeepers 15
Kitchenhands 17
Other Factory Process Workers 19
Packers 30
Product Assemblers 17
Receptionist (General) 23
Sales Assistants (General) 51
Storepersons 16
Truck Drivers 13
Grand Total 288

Extra support when you need it most

Sometimes you need more than just help with your job search

We are here to help you in any way we can, so if you have a problem or are experiencing a crisis, we encourage you to talk in confidence with your Employment Plus consultant.

There are many services we can refer you to, including:

  • Support in liaising with Centrelink Internal training courses

  • Further vocational training and education e.g. TAFE courses or training with an RTO

  • Career counselling and direction

  • Medical, health and psychological services Rehabilitation services

  • Drug and alcohol counselling and rehabilitation Court and prison services

  • Domestic violence services

  • Family support services

  • Emergency relief and food assistance Homeless services

  • Migrant services

  • Youth and children’s services

  • Assistance with budgeting

Success Stories

Read how Employment Plus has helped other DES participants find meaningful work that's tailored to their unique abilities.