How to save time when recruiting

Last updated: August 21, 2020

Hiring new staff is a big financial decision for businesses—we want the best talent we can afford. Significant time and energy goes into the hiring process; it’s an important decision we don’t want to get wrong.

The recruitment process can also feel a bit draining sometimes. There’s a lot of admin involved to adequately screen candidates with confidence.

Here we look at some of the best ways to save time when hiring for a role.

1. Require effort up front:

Ensure you check for initiative by asking anyone uploading their CV to also answer a few short simple questions about why the role is right for them. This will weed out timewasters and people who can’t follow simple instructions.

2. Mandatories:

Have a set of deal breakers: defined hard skills and soft skills the successful applicant must possess.

3. Plan Interviews:

These take up valuable time and should be planned like any meeting. When you’ve shortlisted, provide you candidates a summary of the areas you’re going to discuss in an interview and make sure you ask the same questions of each candidate so it’s easier to compare them.

4. Make the most of free recruitment services:

Enlist the services of a job service provider, like Employment Plus, to help you with this process at no cost – reducing your time down to only interviewing the shortlisted candidates who show true potential and have the adequate skill sets and experience. Unlike a private recruitment company, there will be no fees for our assistance, and you may even be eligible for wage subsidies.

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