Last updated: July 7, 2022

Are you having trouble getting excited about a job interview? You’re not alone. Here we look at some common ‘mental blocks’ many people face when preparing for interviews and give you some simple tips to help put your best foot forward!

Feeling unmotivated is part of being human. Some days we’re energetic and have no issue with the hard stuff. Other days, the smallest task feels like such a grind. This ebb and flow of feelings can be particularly noticeable when we’re putting ourselves out there to find work.

There are a number of different reasons why your motivation might be lacking when it comes to job interviews. It might be nervous energy, feeling unprepared, and/or other experiences that may have knocked your confidence in the past.

Let’s look at a few reasons for lacking motivation and how you can overcome those barriers.

1. You don’t quite know where to start

Trying to bring your ‘A Game’ to an interview can be hard if you’re not exactly sure where to start with your preparation. A great way to start is to write down the process you need to follow to get yourself into a good mindset for an interview. Consider:

  • What is appropriate for me to wear? (Check out our great ‘Dress for Success’ video here!)
  • What do I need to take along with me – my resume or certificates?
  • How am I going to make sure I get there on time?
  • What questions might the interviewers ask me and how will I respond?
  • And what are the things I’m proud of that I know I need to share?

By breaking down that preparation list you’ll feel so much more confident going into an interview making it easier to see it as a positive experience – something to learn from and not something to fear.

2. You’re emotionally exhausted or feeling ‘detached’ from the process

Regardless of why you’re looking for a job – it can feel tough being in a position where you feel pressure to find a role. And, if you’ve experienced a few unsuccessful interview disappointments, fear of rejection can be a natural reaction. This can make us feel sad and sometimes even a bit ‘numb’.

Try to look at each job interview opportunity as a very separate occasion. Each employer is looking for different things and there will be a huge range of factors as to why someone gets one role vs another. Think about it this way: You will probably never know if you were the second choice of 50 people to apply for a job!

Instead, start to think about what having a job will mean to you. Start thinking about why you want a role… rather than why you didn’t get the last one you applied for. Chat with friends or loved ones to remind yourself why having a job will bring a positive impact to your life and how great you have felt in a working situation. More financial freedom, more opportunity, new friends… Forget the past and focus on the future benefits that will boost your mood.

3. You’re not making good use of your free time

Feeling better about your employment journey will be enhanced if you spend a bit more time focusing on how to help yourself.

It’s so tempting to get stuck into a TV series to numb out your worries or to kill boredom but try to carve out a little bit of time – just 30mins a day – to focus on your job hunt.

Start doing a bit of online research around roles that your job coach may have been suggesting to you. Investigate the types of jobs you are interested in and learn more about what might be needed in terms of qualifications.

Knowledge will excite you more about the job-hunting process and make you feel more confident, as you strive to get the kind of job you want.

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