There are currently 7 Food Trades Assistant jobs across the Employment Plus network.

Working as a Food Trades Assistant

Average salary: $45,000 - $55,0000

Without Food Trades Assistants, there’d be no one to support Food Trades Workers by performing routine food preparation, cleaning and storage tasks.

If you’re looking to dip your feet into the world of hospitality, and gain some practical skills for a future culinary career, a food trades assistant might be right for you.

Common duties

  • Support Food Trade Workers
  • Food preparation
  • Preparing equipment, such as pots and pans, to be ready for cooking and serving
  • Keeping work areas clean and sanitary
  • Storing food, equipment, utensils and supplies, safely and hygienically
  • Informing Food Trade Workers when food supplies are low

Experience and qualifications

  • You do not need any formal qualifications to work as Food Trades Assistant, however a course in hospitality might be helpful in securing you a role.


  • Food preparation skills
  • Communication skills
  • Ability to take, and follow direction and instruction
  • Great multitasking skills
  • Good under pressure
  • Ability to adhere to work health and safety guidelines

Call 136 123 or email us to learn more and talk to someone about your eligibility.

Please note that we do experience peak times for phone calls, which could result in some time on hold. We aim to keep inconvenience to a minimum but please note that delays of several minutes are possible.

Want to train for this role?

View our training and upskilling services for opportunities to gain skills and qualifications relevant to this role.