It’s never just a job to us

We are proud to be official providers of Australia’s most successful employment programs and services, including Workforce Australia, Disability Employment Services (DES) and ParentsNext, all geared to give you the structure and support you need to find a job.

Your individual circumstances will determine which of these programs is best for you, however, in all our programs we offer guidance with writing resumes and cover letters, job coaching, free training, and access to unadvertised jobs.

Unlike many other employment providers, we are not-for-profit, meaning our focus is 100% on you, the job seeker, and how we can support our communities through employment. Our operational profits are returned to The Salvation Army, where this funding is used to help everyday Australians going through tough times.

We are with you every step of the way

How we find you a job

Preparing for your initial interview with Employment Plus

Once your initial interview appointment time is confirmed by one of our Employment Plus consultants you will have the opportunity to fill out a pre-employment survey. This survey is a series of questions to outline your circumstances, so we can direct you to the right help for your circumstances. While you can complete the survey at any Employment Plus office, most people prefer to fill it in at home ahead of their appointment.

Your pre-employment survey will help us to assess your employment needs, clarify areas where we can offer you employment support and guidance, and review your job plan with you.

What happens next?

Once you’re registered with Centrelink and Employment Plus, what happens next?

Job seeker FAQ's

Job seeker resources & services

Don't forget to check out all the handy links in the job seeker services pages of our website for information about our training, counselling and crisis support, as well as all our job hunting hints and tips in the resources section.

And to stay updated with all our latest news and information about the latest developments in the Australian job market, make sure you sign up for our newsletter on the button below.

Good luck, we're supporting you all the way!